Our Offering

ISDPTool is a piece of software that streamlines the management of corporate information security and data privacy. It has been designed to overcome the common issues faced by organisations in these areas. 
It supports an innovative methodology, yet fully compatible with existing standards, inspired by over a decade of field experience and lessons learned. It allows for the implementation of pragmatic, efficient IT risk management processes to improve the security posture of organisations, as well as their compliance with data privacy regulations, in particular the GDPR.

ISDPTool  is a web application based upon the Microsoft Power Platform technology. Microsoft Power BI is used for graphical data visualisation. 
Each customer  benefits from a dedicated instance of the software, deployed in the Microsoft Office 365 cloud service.

ISDP Tool is provided by Akereo, a French company headquarted in Haute-Savoie, between Annecy and Geneva.

Mission statement and values

  • Our aim is to provide a concrete pragmatic way to ease the management of the information security and data privacy disciplines in corporate environments at an affordable cost.
  • To achieve this objective, we rely, amongst others, on a quality solution based upon modern technological standards and keep focus on the user experience.
  • Independence. The financing of the comapny is entirely assumed by its founders
  • Trust. We intend to build solid trust relationships with our customer base by demonstrating a high level of integrity  and transparency in our behaviors
  • Unambiguous communication. We believe that traditional communication practices within the information security industry (FUD techniques, meaningless buzzwords, magic products, false promises) do not serve the cause of the discipline. Information security management is a complex topic requiring efforts, expertise and a risk-based approach to be effective.  We refrain from delivering any message that contradicts those statements


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